Free up June 24 evening for the microservices insights! Join Microservices Tech Talk with two speakers who are ready to share in-depth expertise on the topic.
1️⃣Service Mesh. What, Why and How?
Investigate the principles of Service Mesh, learn its basics and look at modern implementations together with Maxim Tereshin, Solution Architect at Provectus. Maxim is going to share his broad experience of using Service Mesh and teach you to apply the best practices in architecture.
2️⃣Let’s move forward and dive deeper in microservices. Proceed to the second speaker’s talk Damir Abdullin, Software Engineer at Provectus, who is going to reveal the essence of the term “reactive” which is very popular nowadays among software engineers.
Reactive microservices in Java in detail, the reasons you need it, and how to smoothly integrate it to our applications with the help of Spring ecosystem — these are the subjects Damir is going to cover.
?? Who might be interested in Microservices Tech Talk?
Java Developers, DevOps Engineers, all who work closely with AWS, and want to learn more about microservices.
?️ Want to participate?
Then save the date! June 24 at 6 PM CST.